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Titan low-altitude emission series TIDM

Product Overview

Since its launch in 2005, the Supar Titan low-altitude emission series has become a long-lasting product in the market. Its high efficiency, quality, and robust performance will never let you down.
The integrated design of TIDM satisfies the demanding actual use conditions such as tight construction period. especially suitable for heavy fume restaurants, such as Sichuan cuisine, Hunan cuisine, barbecue and Japanese and Korean cuisine restaurants; and restaurants facing sensitive locations, low-altitude emissions from buildings, and strict requirements for fume and odor treatment.

Product Feature

- Two-section double purification in the true sense
- Compliant with stringent emission requirements
- Consistent with the new standards in Shanghai, Beijing, Guangdong and other places
- Up to 98% fume treatment efficiency (98% outstanding)
- Passed the performance test as per ASHRAE 52.2
- No need for modules, easy to install and use, for effectively responding to the situations such as tight schedules

Selection Specification

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